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2002-09-11 - 10:24 a.m.

on sunday i attended a PFLAG support group with the Sisters.

At once Iwas moved and touched by the availability of support. And after hearing story after story of discrimination, fear, parents-not-supporting-gay-children, even denying them as family members because of their sexual orientation, i felt myself becoming saddened and mostly confused. especially when i heard tales of parents saying "where did i go wrong?"

um, what am i missing that there is something wrong with any of this? we're talking about being loving with another person here, right???

here's a challenge for me: put me in a room with someone who feels that another person is "wrong" for being a loving person/not harming anyone, and me *not* walking out of the room...dearest forces of nature and my will, grant me the patience and understanding to channel whatever i need to in such circumstances!!!

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