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2003-06-26 - 20:24

Marianne Williamson is a genius. Well, maybe that's overkill. But she's quite wise about life/love/friendships/love/compassion/respect/love, and she's generous for how she shares her wisdom, and she is definitely worth listening to. (I just *bleep* out the references to 'god' in my mind as I listen, or substitute them for something more applicable to my personal practices.)

She comes from the theory that everything we do comes from love or from fear.

Here's a some of her stuff, paraphrased by mois:

When we think non-loving thoughts channels close...when our minds are full of fear, that acts like a hardening of the arteries, and miracles just can't get through.

There is enough to go around...There's no such things as my winning at the expense of someone else without ultimately losing...The more we love, the more capacity we have to love (which contradicts what a lot of people believe, that we only have a limited amount of love. ActionGrl wrote an entry about this subject a year ago or so that was really really wonderful, like the author herself.)

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