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2002-10-19 - 00:40

right this moment:

Chicken masala is simmering on the stove next to chicken potstickers, smell is wafting out to me on the patio in the cool night breeze (feels really sensuous as my flowy skirt brushes against my freshly shaven and baby-oiled legs!)

Dave is taking Sunshine to the airport for his return to Canada

My happy tummy is digesting the delicious carrot-kale-broccoli juice I just made and drank

Memories of kisses on park benches

Memories of playing with friends all weekend, climaxing with lounging this morning around Love Manor and coming up with song-names about fisting...

--"Addicted to Glove" by Robert PALMer

--"Your Fist is on My List" by BALL'in Oates

--Michael Jackson's album "Fistory"

--"One Thing Leads to a Glover"

--"Fist of Fate"

--and the movie "Fister Act" starring Makin' Whoopi Goldberg

Thoughts of what needs to happen tomorrow at work

The sound of waterfalling in the new fountain in the living room reach me outside

My parents are in warm Key West

My little sister just turned 24

The Donners are somewhere on their 10-month honeymoon world tour

The dvd Amelie is in some postal shipping space ready to arrive at my mailbox

Delirium's Semantic Spaces awaits me in my bedroom to lull me to sleep and wake me at 6:30 a.m.

I am going inside to call Melissa in New Orleans to firm up our plans for my December visit with Vixen

"we wish you a merry Fistmas and a happy new Rear!!!"

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