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2002-10-02 - 4:17 p.m.


i'm definitely staying in SF this weekend, moving the house around and dog-sitting and candlemaking and i've got a date who's being soooo adorable about the date...we're both being extra giddy about the planning of the date, getting excited about what we're going to wear, and reservations have been made to a surprise place where dressy-themed attire is encouraged...yay!

it's like spring is in the air. also for a girlfriend too who today was giddy and gushy about her upcoming date...then after both our dates we'll get together and dish about dating, which we did last week over coffee and juicy pomegranates and delicious homemade brioche (thanks Lola!!!!).

i love being female! 'course i'd love being male if i was one. i'm simply embracing girlie and womanly things right now; pulling the dresses and skirts out more frequently, i used my curling iron a couple of weeks ago for a date with a dear dear friend (who was a live-in lover/partner in Santa Cruz for almost 2 years), etc.

yep. i love my life! and in a couple of days i'll reaaallllly love my life when i have a bedroom door to close and *not* have people walk thru. kinda wears down the spirit a bit, but fortunately i have the bestest roommate in the universe who is entirely supportive of switching the living room for my bedroom (his suggestion in the first place, but i chose poorly back then.)


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