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2002-10-06 - 6:32 a.m.

yay, boo, yay:

demilitia visiting, sleeping in after cooking for hours last night over mimosas...vixen in temporary turmoil over wallet left in cab last night causing her missing out on gurlz in blisssss after 17.5 hour date filled with all the best decadences life has to offer...

i need more pictures on here:

in my search on my 'puter for a picture i came across this one which always makes me smile:

'specially since the Nashes are staying here next weekend for DeCom...yay, a whole weekend of Nash-wiches and Nash-browns and Nash-tainted-love!!!

sigh...think i'll go write a note and bake something fabulous to drop off on Miss Vixen's doorstep and call her after driving away to tell her to walk outside and look down.

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sunday morning, sans sodomy (gigvillian reference)

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